You Have a Question about Breeding Cockroaches?…We Have the Answers!

How to Breed Cockroaches
How do I get my free Cockroach Breeding Training course?
What Cockroach breeding method should I choose?
How do I breed cockroaches using low maintenance methods?
How to breed cockroaches using Conventional methods
Should I breed crickets or cockroaches or both?
Books and videos to breed Cockroaches
How Many Cockroaches can I produce
Cockroach Husbandry
How to breed cockroaches for live food
Cockroach Housing
Feeding Cockroaches
Heating Cockroaches
Humidity for Cockroaches
Books and videos to breed Cockroaches
Nuisance Issues for Cockroaches
Why are my cockroaches dying?
How do I breed cockroaches with less mess, escapees and effort?
Feeding Bearded Dragons and Reptiles
How Many cockroaches can I breed for my Bearded dragon or reptile?
How often should I feed my bearded dragon feeder insects?
How do I provide a balanced diet for my bearded dragon?
How to gut load and dust cockroaches
Free Cockroach Breeding Course
For more information on how to breed cockroaches, get your free 9 lesson today. This training course has videos and lots of useful information which covers:
- How to breed cockroaches.
- Cockroach biology
- Container design
- Feeding, gut loading
- Heating
- Pest management and lots more…
Click here for your free Course.
The Worlds most Comprehensive Cockroach Breeding Guide
Our books and training are the most comprehensive on the market and are the only book available that covers both private and commercial production in detail. For instance our Cockroach Breeding Manual contains more than 100 pages and hundreds of photos. To see why our book is the most comprehensive book you can buy on the topic.
All the major issues for commercial production are covered including: Biology, Container Design and Construction, Food and Water Requirements, making automated Food and Water Dispensers, Heating, Maintenance and Pest Management, Grading and Selling, Marketing and more.
Click here for more details on our books.
Why not Turn an Expense Into Income?
For Information and advice on commercial production, click Here. We have been breeding insects to Zoos, Wildlife carers, pet stores and the public for over 14 years.
We can show you how to build a profitable insect business. See below how you can follow our latest project converting a 20 foot (6m) caravan into a profitable insect business.