Close up of a commercial insect farm with rows of blue mealworm trays

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Commercial Insect Breeding

photo of a commercial mealworm farm with hundreds of blue trays in shelving. The front rows are pulled out so you can see the mealworms.
close up photo of five blue trays side by side full of yellow mealworms with no substrate.
photo of a commercial insect farm with hundreds of blue mealworm trays and cricket containers. Crickets are housed in black containers and mealworms are housed in blue trays on shelving. Farm has climate control and reflective aluminium reflective insulation.
photo of the partial build of a a mealworm shelving rack system. The shelving has a metal frame with wood vertical breams to support metal rails. Mealworm rack is located within a commercial mealworm farm with aluminium insulation on walls.
photo of commercial insect farm with numerous blue mealworm trays in rows
Photo of a commercial mealworm farm. A coridor in the middle with wall to wall containers on either side. Bright strip lightening on roof and ventilation fan at end wall. Walls are covered in aluminium insulation.
photo of a commercial mealworm farm with multiple racks of blue mealworm trays. Mealworm farm is climatically controlled with an air conditioner, humudifier, ventilation fans and aluminium reflective insulation.

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