Want to Start a Insect Breeding Business But Don’t Know Where to Start ??
Learn how our Free Partnership Program can Fast track you to making money from home.
We have been breeding insects and training people for 14 years. We offer both “one on one consultancy” advice or “Partnership arrangements” for people and businesses who wish to breed insects commercially or have a strong passion for the species. Our experience relates to the common House cricket (Acheta domesticus), Yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) , Super mealworm (Zophobas morio) and Speckled/Lobster Cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea) with and without climate control
Over the years we have learnt that problems arise not from just one thing a breeder does, but its normally a combination of many factors (nutrition, husbandry, set up, method). In many cases people come to us with one problem, to learn it was something completely different. Its our job to work through this and find the source of the problem.
We can help you get the answers you need to determine the feasibility of an insect breeding business, and specific techniques to breed them. We respect everyone’s right to confidentiality and all information discussed stays confidential.
Breeding Insect Database Project
Our Extensive Partnership Program Provides us with a wealth of information, learnings and contacts from breeders right around the world. Many of our partners fill in a online Questionnaire which goes into our “Breeding Insect Database”. This database now provides a great resource for our Partners and Consultations. In many cases we can give you real life production rates and trouble shooting advice. This gives us great insight into issues people face and more importantly how they overcome them.
The Insect Breeding Database is an invaluable resource for the Insect Breeding industry and helps information sharing. Our Goal is to Move this Industry to the next level Quickly and Efficiently. That’s our True Passion.
The following Consultancy Services are flexible and Cost Effective whether you are a small or large scale breeder. We provide advice to both Start up Operations or Established businesses.
1) Partnership Arrangement (Free Advice and Assistance)
A partnership arrangement is a program we have developed where we provide free advice and assistance in setting up a insect farm or sustainable food venture, and the partner share production information (production rates, expenses, income and learnings) for a negotiated period of usually 12 months of production. In this way the partner gets free advice to get them to the next step, and we get information about he economics of insect businesses and their learnings.
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Due to the popularity of this program we got to a stage we could not take on any partners due to the time it takes for regular correspondence. We didn’t want to stop taking new partners so now we are developing a members area where we will answer questions partners have and they will have access to all our resources (videos, articles, research, etc). In this way information is shared (anonymously) to all members, and common questions are answered. Click Here to view the exciting partnership and research projects currently underway.
How does it work?
The main concept of the partnership arrangement (free consultancy) is that information sharing must be from both parties so everyone benefits. Click here to learn more about how the Partnership Program Works and how to apply.
Email Question and Answer Service
Start Up Businesses or Individuals.
Do you have some burning questions to answer before getting into commercial insect breeding. We can answer up to 10 questions for an affordable $50 (US). Please read How it Works Section below.
Insect Breeder Tune up – Where Existing Breeders can Get a quick Answer to a Problem and some Helpful Advice
Sometimes breeders get a problem or just want to know how to increase production. This is where our “Insect Breeder Tune up” come into being. For just an Affordable $50 (US) an existing insect breeder can ask us up to 10 Questions. Please read How it Works Section below.
How Does it Work
Existing Breeders
We have spoken to hundreds of breeders over the years, and many of our clients have made just a few changes they had not thought about, which greatly increased their production.
There are many factors which affect production rate. People often come to us with a problem however when we drill into it there are many factors. To get a good understanding of the issues to your farm we have a option to do a “online Questionnaire” which goes over you setup, production methods and rates”. This will help us answer your question better and provide you with some additional advice about your operations completely separate to your initial query.
We have designed this service to be an affordable Question and Answer Service . Please note that if your question requires a detailed response or a one-on-one assessment of your operations then consultation rates will apply (we will let you know in advance).
Contact Us
If you are interested, please email Glenn at info@breedinginsects.com and provide us with questions you have. If the issue requires a detailed response that fall outside the Q & A format we can provide you with some guidance if additional costs apply.
We will then send you an paypal invoice for $50. Please note if you have purchased a book product (mealworm/cricket/cockroach) the Q&A service is just $30 (US).
$30 (US) – With book Purchase
$50 (US)- No Book Purchase
(Please Click on the How Does It Work link above for ordering details).
2) Consultancy
For people who just want advice to set up their business, our rates are $25 (US) per 15 minute block. Sessions are usually by Zoom videos or other platforms you prefer (Facetime, Google or Facebook live feeds). Our members area has lots of resources to share which are available in sessions.
So that you get the most out of the session we recommend you send us an email prior to the session which outlines the following:
- What type of insect you propose to breed; and scale of operation.
- What clients do you propose to target
- How you propose to grow the insects (i.e. in containers or open netted enclosures)
- What problems you have encountered or problems you anticipate.
- If you have previous experience, what this involved.
- What specific questions do you want answered.
If you haven’ already, you may want to look through the articles in the Commercial Section which will give you some information on markets, common mistakes and production rates.
If you know for certain which species you will be breeding we recommend you purchase the book (Cricket Breeding manual or Cockroach Breeding Manual) prior to the session. This will enable you to ask targeted questions that arise from looking through the photos and text and reduce the time you need for a session.
What can We Help you Achieve ?
Building an insect breeding business whether big or small can be daunting without the right information. Below are some of the things we can help you with:
- Do you have the markets for a profitable insect business
- How many insects can you produce per given area
- How to build or set up your insect farm
- How to market your product (direct and internet marketing)
- Managing pest species that have the potential to destroy your product.

We can only undertake a few projects at one time, so it may not always be possible to accept new partnership arrangements at all times.
Our experience relates to breeding European house cricket, (Acheta domestica) and Speckled or Lobster Cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea) and mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) using container and lid systems.
As each project is very unique (breeding method, expenses, climate, operator skill level and markets) we only provide general advice based on what we achieved using our methods and setup. It will then be up to you to use this information and apply it to your unique setup.
To contact us for further details on a partnership arrangement or a consultancy session please email us at info@wildlifehub.com.
Lets face it, most people give up on conventional cricket breeding methods after a few months….who has the time for the constant spraying, cleaning and sorting into different sizes.
With over 14 years experience breeding insects for private use and commercially, we have tried every method available and found them very frustrating… so we developed our own systems which overcome the disadvantages of conventional cricket breeding. Below we explain how its four distinct zones have improved hygiene, breeding consistency, production and importantly maintenance:

Why not Turn an Expense Into Income?
For Information and advice on commercial production, Click Here. We have been breeding insects to Zoos, Wildlife carers, pet stores and the public for over 14 years.
We can show you how to build a profitable insect business. See below how you can follow our latest project converting a 20 foot caravan into a profitable insect business.
The Worlds most Comprehensive Cricket Breeding Guide for Commercial Production
With around 160 pages and 240 color photos our insect breeding book series set the benchmark for insect breeding. To see why our book is the most comprehensive book you can buy on the topic, click Here. We also include a free book sample to show you the contents page and start of the book.