Crickets are the Most Profitable Insect to Breed… amazingly they are worth seven times more than Lobster!!

Breeding Crickets can be a Great way to Save Thousands of Dollars or Make Extra Income
Yes that right…crickets at the pet store are worth more than 7 times the cost of lobster…and they are one of the fastest growing crops on the planet. In Australia a packet of crickets at the pet store is $5.50 which equates to 8g for 30-33 adult crickets. Do the maths and these crickets are worth $690/kg…and lobster is around $90/kg.
After 14 years of breeding insects to pet stores, wildlife parks and the general public we have the most comprehensive resources to teach you how to breed crickets successfully.

There are Numerous Pet Owners, Wildlife Rescue Carers, Zoos and Pet Stores Constantly Looking for a Cheap and Fresh Supply of Live Foods
When we started, there was next to no information available. Not surprisingly, many commercial breeders were not willing to pass on this information, as they wanted you to keep buying insects from them. At BreedingInsects.com we are very different…we breed feeder insects to make money to help with mammal research, wildlife rescue and reptile keeping. We want to help conservation and wildlife enthusiasts like you to become independent breeders of live foods.
Click here to discover the variety of markets available for crickets.
How Many Crickets Can I Produce ?
To learn how many crickets you can produce using new low maintenance methods visit our “Cricket Production Rates” page.
Avoiding the Pit Traps
One of the reasons crickets are worth so much is they are typically difficult to breed using conventional methods. Most people fall into the trap of being lured by the money but not having the right methods or techniques to make it a reality. This is why 98% of people have given up cricket breeding after just a few months. We have developed proprietary methods which have slashed maintenance and made it achievable for everyone to breed crickets with ease. We will show you how an average two child family can produce around $1,400 worth of crickets just using their scrap veggies…and adding more containers for large scale production is easy!! Below we discuss how to avoid the pit traps of commercial production, and let you know how many crickets you can breed from home.
Overcoming Pests
In the past the two main reasons people gave us breeding crickets for profit was pests and maintenance;
For instance maggots from vinegar flies rapidly spread and consumed all the eggs from the incubation chambers. Vinegar flies and other pests (ants, fungi, disease, spiders etc.) can completely devastate a breeding colony. Without the right information and strategies these species are impossible to control. It took us a long time to get our head around these pests which we now controlled using a combination of physical barriers, insect traps and active management.
Reducing Maintenance
The other main reason people give up breeding crickets is it can take a lot of time and effort to clean, feed and manage a colony using conventional methods. At Wildlife Hub, we learnt early that we would need to develop new and more efficient methods if we were going to continue with our research, wildlife rescue and reptile keeping. As a result of these difficulties we spent over a decade streamlining both commercial and private methods.
We did this by creating automated food and water dispensers, efficient container design and streamlined cleaning. Other areas we have overhauled include: pest management, how to grade crickets to various sizes, dispatching, transport and marketing tips and advice.
Commercial Cricket Breeding Services and Information
We have been breeding insects to Zoos, Wildlife carers, pet stores and the public for over 14 years. We have articles, books, videos, consultancy and Partnership programs. For Information and advice on commercial production, click Here. Our Cricket Breeding Manual (see below) is the most comprehensive private and commercial breeding guide available.
We can show you how to build a profitable insect business. See below how you can follow our latest project converting a 20 foot (6m) caravan into a profitable insect business.

The Worlds most Comprehensive Cricket Breeding Guide
With around 160 pages and 240 color photos our insect breeding book series set the benchmark for insect breeding. To see why our book is the most comprehensive book you can buy on the topic, click Here or to purchase click Here. In this link we will provide you with:
- A Book sample with includes the books contents.
- 50 techniques our books will provide you to save time and effort.
- How to access free videos when you purchase the books
- How to breed crickets and cockroaches using the same materials.
New Low Maintenance Breeding Methods Are Now Available
Innovative methods now mean you can breed crickets that:
- Needs no active management (No spraying, no rotating crickets etc);
- Collects waste for you;
- Only requires one container (not 7 like conventional methods);
- Food/ water dispensers which attends to your insects for 7-14 days or more;
- Requires only 3 minutes maintenance every 7-14 days (less time than standing in line at the pet store)
- Each 20 Gallon (70 L) breeding container can produce one container of adult crickets from a pet store each week.
- The average 2 child family can produce enough scrap vegies to feed 4 breeding containers, which is enough crickets to feed 4-12 bearded dragons (depending of feeding rate). That’s around $1400/year (Au) you are currently throwing away!!.
For more details click Here.
Free Cricket Breeding Course
For more information on how to breed crickets, get your free 9 lesson today. This training course has videos and lots of useful information which covers:
- How a conventional cricket breeding system works
- How our proprietary cricket breeding system works
- Cricket biology
- Container design
- Feeding, gut loading
- Heating
- Pest management and lots more…