Read More
Our manuals are far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Read More
A 1hr:20 video is provided with the book which gives an overview of how to breed mealworms. In addition a video on heating is provided. We have many more video’s to edit (hundreds) which are not available presently however will be added over time.
Both Cricket and Cockroach books include free videos for both digital and paperback version.
All cricket breeding book products (both paperback and online formats) include videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.
Cockroaches manual currently only has 2 videos covering heating and building food/water dispensers, however more will be added shortly.
Both Cricket and Cockroach books include free videos for both digital and paperback version.
“I have researched earthworm raising for YEARS and am currently using European and African nightcrawlers.
NOWHERE and I do mean NOWHERE have I ever found professional information such as you have presented for raising mealworms”.
Bill Koscinski, Pennsylvania USA
The Complete Mealworm Breeding Manual
The “Complete Mealworm Manual” has just been released. With 20 chapters, 100 sections and hundreds of photos and diagrams, it is by far the most comprehensive book on the market. The book covers all aspects of mealworm production including; hobbyist and commercial methods (separate versions); the common yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and the tropical super or giant mealworm (Zophobas morio).
Mealworm Book Project (Click Links)
When we started the project, to our knowledge no one had produced a comprehensive guide on producing mealworms for both hobbyist and commercially. If the insect breeding industry is to move forward quickly (and it will to keep up with global food demand) we decided to do a comprehensive guide to meet this need.
This project was big….with thousands of photos and hundreds of videos taken over a 18 month period. First we demolished and renovated a 6m (20 foot) caravan and converted it into an insect business. We then Benchmarked the production and costs of producing of yellow/giant mealworms and crickets. We then took thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of how we operate the farm. Doing this took time, and we estimate we spent as much time obtaining content for this book as we did running the insect farm. Once we got the content it then took months to edit and upload to a online format. We had additional challenges such as running our business in the middle of natural disasters (fires, floods), covid and then some pests infestations for good measure…but we got there in the end.
We are pleased that our hard work has paid off, with many people commenting how this book has helped them fast track their business. Best of all, the photos we have included are just the tip of the ice berg and we will be adding lots more photos and videos as time goes on. Add to this a big line up of partnerships in the wing, we will have lots more to share. Best of all with an online format, you will always have the latest version and content.
If you want a real world “how to” guide on mealworm breeding then this is the book for you. Insect breeding is a “School of Hard Knocks” business. Get it right information up front, and you will save yourself years of sweat, blood and tears.
Book Content
With hundreds of photos and diagrams that cover both hobbyist and commercial methods (separate versions), this is by far the most comprehensive book on the market. The book covers how to breed both the common yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and the tropical super or giant mealworm (Zophobas morio).
Online Format
This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF or paperback version is not available.
What’s Inside
This comprehensive book will greatly increase your knowledge of how to breed mealworms and super worms with consistent and productive manner. There are two version 1) Small Scale 2) Commercial. As with all our Feeder Insect Book Series, we will overhauled every aspect of mealworm production including…
– Breeding
– Food and water requirements
– Making food and moisture requirements
– Heating/storage
– Container design
– Maintenance/pest management,
– Cleaning and maintenance
– Grading/selling/commercial production
– Lots and lots more!!
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Fast track your Success with Tried and Tested Methods….and Save Years of Sweat,Tears and Frustration!!!
The Complete Cricket Breeding Manual
This cricket breeding manual is the most comprehensive available with 165 pages and more than 240 color photos, diagrams and tables. It shows you how to build all components with “Step by Step” instructions.
Read More
In the past breeding crickets was high maintenance requiring daily spraying, moving crickets between containers, cleaning, and feeding. Our proprietary methods have changed all this and you can now breed crickets with less time than standing in store buying them. All prices are in US dollars.
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Free Videos
All cricket breeding book products (both paperback and online formats) include videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.
Commercial Production
Our books cover both standard and Professional insect breeding methods. To make it affordable to everyone we have two versions of the book:
Commercial- Standard (currently available)
– This includes standard commercial methods commonly used in the industry. We include a wide range of tips and tricks which stream line commercial production and produce crickets productively and consistently.
Commercial – Professional
– Through our consultancy and private operations we have developed streamlined cricket breeding systems which cover more advanced methods not commonly used in the industry. These systems greatly reduce maintenance and produce crickets consistently.
-Includes designing a cricket farm and estimating production rates.
– Case studies of problems and issues for commercial operations. Case study includes how to manage some difficult diseases which impact on commercial farms (ie Cricket Paralysis Virus- CPV).
– Most up to date methods used by commercial facilities to streamline operations.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Commercial Production
In the past breeding crickets was high maintenance requiring daily spraying, moving crickets between containers, cleaning, and feeding. Our proprietary methods have changed all this and you can now breed crickets with less time than standing in store buying them. All prices are in US dollars.
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Commercial Production
Our books cover both standard and advanced insect breeding methods. Click here to view the Index of the Commercial Book which includes sections relating to standard and advanced commercial (Refer to Part 3- sections advise which course they relate to in brackets ie, standard or advanced).
Commercial- Standard
– This includes standard commercial methods commonly used in the industry. We include a wide range of tips and tricks which stream line commercial production and produce crickets productively and consistently.
Commercial – Professional
Includes the same information for standard Commercial plus the following:
– Through our consultancy and private operations we have developed streamlined cricket breeding systems which cover more advanced methods not commonly used in the industry. These systems greatly reduce maintenance and produce crickets consistently.
-Includes designing a cricket farm and estimating production rates.
- 8 Short case studies of different farms and setups which demonstrate their production rates and production/pest issues they commonly encounter.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
The Complete Cockroach Breeding Manual
This cricket breeding manual is the most comprehensive available with 165 pages and more than 240 color photos, diagrams and tables. It shows you how to build all components with “Step by Step” instructions.
Read More
Cockroaches breed so well…so it’s a real shame they can me so messy and smelly to manage. We have the methods and tips you need to make this quick breeding species a low maintenance process. All prices are in US dollars.
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Free Videos
All cricket breeding book products (both paperback and online formats) include videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.
Cockroaches manual currently only has 2 videos covering heating and building food/water dispensers, however more will be added shortly.
The book is available as Paperback which is delivered by the fast and reliable Amazon Delivery service.
Our online version is constantly being updated and hence has some information not in the paperback version. So that you have access to all the information we provide you with the online version when you purchase the paperback. This includes the videos as outlined in adjacent sections.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Combo Book Deals- Save 20% When you Buy Two or More Books
If your after a different combination not shown below, please Contact Us to organize a custom order.
The Mealworm and Cricket Combo Deal
Both books are the most comprehensive available. The Mealworm and cricket book have hundreds of photos and diagrams in each book. Both books shows you how to build all components with “Step by Step” instructions.
Mealworm Book Project (Click links)
When we started the project, to our knowledge no one had produced a comprehensive guide on producing mealworms for both hobbyist and commercially. If the insect breeding industry is to move forward quickly (and it will to keep up with global food demand) we decided to do a comprehensive guide to meet this need.
This project was big….with thousands of photos and hundreds of videos taken over a 18 month period. First we demolished and renovated a 6m (20 foot) caravan and converted it into an insect business. We then Benchmarked the production and costs of producing of yellow/giant mealworms and crickets. We then took thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of how we operate the farm. Doing this took time, and we estimate we spent as much time obtaining content for this book as we did running the insect farm. Once we got the content it then took months to edit and upload to a online format. We had additional challenges such as running our business in the middle of natural disasters (fires, floods), covid and then some pests infestations for good measure…but we got there in the end.
We are pleased that our hard work has paid off, with many people commenting how this book has helped them fast track their business. Best of all, the photos we have included are just the tip of the ice berg and we will be adding lots more photos and videos as time goes on. Add to this a big line up of partnerships in the wing, we will have lots more to share. Best of all with an online format, you will always have the latest version and content.
If you want a real world “how to” guide on mealworm breeding then this is the book for you. Insect breeding is a “School of Hard Knocks” business. Get it right information up front, and you will save yourself years of sweat, blood and tears.
Read More
(This product is standard commercial for crickets. If you wish to have the advanced version please contact Glenn at breedinginsects@gmail.com)
Save by grabbing both our “The Complete Mealworm Breeding Manual” and “The Complete Cricket Breeding Manual” in this great combo. All prices are in US dollars.
With hundreds of photos and diagrams that cover both hobbyist and commercial methods (separate versions), this is by far the most comprehensive book on the market. The book covers how to breed both the common yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and the tropical super or giant mealworm (Zophobas morio).
What’s Inside
This comprehensive book will greatly increase your knowledge of how to breed mealworms and super worms with consistent and productive manner. There are two version 1) Small Scale 2) Commercial. As with all our Feeder Insect Book Series, we will overhauled every aspect of mealworm production including…
- Breeding
- Food and water requirements
- Making food and moisture requirements
- Heating/storage
- Container design
- Maintenance/pest management,
- Cleaning and maintenance
- Grading/selling/commercial production
- Lots and lots more!!
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
These Manuals are far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Free Videos
Currently videos are available for Cricket and Cockroach books only. Once we have finishing a revised version of the Cricket and Cockroach books, we will complete a comprehensive video series for mealworms.
Both Cricket and Cockroach books include free videos for both digital and paperback version.
All cricket breeding book products (both paperback and online formats) include videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.
These books are available as Paperback which is delivered by the fast and reliable Amazon Delivery service.
Our online version is constantly being updated and hence has some information not in the paperback version. So that you have access to all the information we provide you with the online version when you purchase the paperback. This includes the videos as outlined in adjacent sections.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Small Scale Version (Online-Instant Access)
Was $80… Now $65.00 (US)
Commercial Standard (Online-Instant Access)
Was $130… Now $110 (US)
(This product is standard commercial for crickets. If you wish to have the Professional version (see side notes for cricket section-commercial) please contact Glenn at breedinginsects@gmail.com)
The Cricket and Cockroach Combo Deal
Both books are the most comprehensive available. The Cricket Breeding Manual is 165 pages and more than 240 color photos, diagrams and tables. The Cockroach Breeding Manual is 125 pages and more than 45 color photos, diagrams and tables. Both books shows you how to build all components with “Step by Step” instructions.
Read More
Did you know that the materials and containers you use to breed crickets can also breed cockroaches…why not breed both species. Save by grabbing both our “The Complete Cricket Breeding Manual” and “The Complete Cockroach Breeding Manual” in this great combo. All prices are in US dollars.
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
These Manuals are far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Free Videos
All cricket breeding book products (both paperback and online formats) include videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.
Cockroaches manual currently only has 2 videos covering heating and building food/water dispensers, however more will be added shortly.
These books are available as Paperback which is delivered by the fast and reliable Amazon Delivery service.
Our online version is constantly being updated and hence has some information not in the paperback version. So that you have access to all the information we provide you with the online version when you purchase the paperback. This includes the videos as outlined in adjacent sections.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Small Scale & Commercial Standard (Online- Instant Access)
Was $75… Now $59.99 (US)
(This product is Commercial- Standard for crickets. If you wish to have the Commercial- Professional version (see cricket section-side notes) please contact Glenn at breedinginsects@gmail.com)
The Mealworm, Cricket and Cockroach Combo Deal
All 3 books are the most comprehensive available. They have hundreds of photos and diagrams within each one. You will be shown how build all components with “Step by Step” instructions.
Mealworm Book Project (Click links)
When we started the project, to our knowledge no one had produced a comprehensive guide on producing mealworms for both hobbyist and commercially. If the insect breeding industry is to move forward quickly (and it will to keep up with global food demand) we decided to do a comprehensive guide to meet this need.
This project was big….with thousands of photos and hundreds of videos taken over a 18 month period. First we demolished and renovated a 6m (20 foot) caravan and converted it into an insect business. We then Benchmarked the production and costs of producing of yellow/giant mealworms and crickets. We then took thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of how we operate the farm. Doing this took time, and we estimate we spent as much time obtaining content for this book as we did running the insect farm. Once we got the content it then took months to edit and upload to a online format. We had additional challenges such as running our business in the middle of natural disasters (fires, floods), covid and then some pests infestations for good measure…but we got there in the end.
We are pleased that our hard work has paid off, with many people commenting how this book has helped them fast track their business. Best of all, the photos we have included are just the tip of the ice berg and we will be adding lots more photos and videos as time goes on. Add to this a big line up of partnerships in the wing, we will have lots more to share. Best of all with an online format, you will always have the latest version and content.
If you want a real world “how to” guide on mealworm breeding then this is the book for you. Insect breeding is a “School of Hard Knocks” business. Get it right information up front, and you will save yourself years of sweat, blood and tears.
Read More
Save by grabbing both our “The Complete Mealworm Breeding Manual” and “The Complete Cricket Breeding Manual” in this great combo. All prices are in US dollars.
With hundreds of photos and diagrams that cover both hobbyist and commercial methods (separate versions), this is by far the most comprehensive book on the market. The book covers how to breed both the common yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and the tropical super or giant mealworm (Zophobas morio).
What’s Inside
This comprehensive book will greatly increase your knowledge of how to breed mealworms and super worms with consistent and productive manner. There are two version 1) Small Scale 2) Commercial. As with all our Feeder Insect Book Series, we will overhauled every aspect of mealworm production including…
- Breeding
- Food and water requirements
- Making food and moisture requirements
- Heating/storage
- Container design
- Maintenance/pest management,
- Cleaning and maintenance
- Grading/selling/commercial production
- Lots and lots more!!
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
These Manuals are far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Free Videos
Currently videos are available for Cricket and Cockroach books only. Once we have finishing a revised version of the Cricket and Cockroach books, we will complete a comprehensive video series for mealworms.
Both Cricket and Cockroach books include free videos for both digital and paperback version.
All cricket breeding book products (both paperback and online formats) include videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.
These books are available as Paperback which is delivered by the fast and reliable Amazon Delivery service.
Our online version is constantly being updated and hence has some information not in the paperback version. So that you have access to all the information we provide you with the online version when you purchase the paperback. This includes the videos as outlined in adjacent sections.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Commercial Standard (Online-Instant Access)
Was $180… Now $139.99 (US)
(This product is standard commercial for crickets. If you wish to have the Professional version (refer to cricket products above in side notes) please contact Glenn at breedinginsects@gmail.com)
Please Read Before Purchase
This package includes:
- Cricket Breeding manual- Commercial (Professional)- See below for details.
- Mealworm Manual- Commercial (Standard)
- Cockroach manual- Small Scale (no commercial version available)
In the past breeding crickets was high maintenance requiring daily spraying, moving crickets between containers, cleaning, and feeding. Our proprietary methods have changed all this and you can now breed crickets with less time than standing in store buying them. All prices are in US dollars.
Instant Access (Online/Digital)
This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.
Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.
Commercial Production
Our books cover both standard and advanced insect breeding methods. Click here to view the Index of the Commercial Book which includes sections relating to standard and advanced commercial (Refer to Part 3- sections advise which course they relate to in brackets ie, standard or advanced).
Commercial- Standard
– This includes standard commercial methods commonly used in the industry. We include a wide range of tips and tricks which stream line commercial production and produce crickets productively and consistently.
Commercial – Professional
Includes the same information for standard Commercial plus the following:
– Through our consultancy and private operations we have developed streamlined cricket breeding systems which cover additional information and methods not commonly used in the industry. These systems greatly reduce maintenance and produce crickets consistently.
-Includes designing a cricket farm and estimating production rates.
- 8 Short case studies of different farms and setups which demonstrate their production rates and production/pest issues they commonly encounter.
Online Support and Partnership Program
We offer online support as part of your book purchase. One of the main reasons we went with an web based platform was so we could answer a question once, then add the reply to the book for future reference. For time reasons we offer just “One question” per book purchase unless you are part of our Partnership Program.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will refund your money.
Insect Breeding Consultancy Session (15m Blocks)
We have been breeding insects and training people for 14 years. This enables us to help you get the answers you need to determine the feasibility of an insect breeding business, and specific techniques to breed them. Our experience relates to the common House cricket (Acheta domesticus), Yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) , Super mealworm (Zophobas morio) and Speckled/Lobster Cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea) with and without climate control.
Read More
For people who just want advice to set up their business, our rates are $25 (US) per 15 minute block. Sessions are usually by videos link using Skype, Facetime or Facebook live feeds. Our members area has lots of resources to share which are available in sessions.
Consultancy Session- 15m Block)
$25.00 (US)
Insect Training Services (Free Training to Groups)
Our online resources are the most comprehensive around. We have hundreds of photos and diagrams to show attendees how everything works. With 14 Years of breeding insects commercially, we can fast track your group to being independent insect breeders.
Click here for more information on our Insect Training Services.
Affiliate Program
Our products are a trusted source of training and information for insect breeders around the world. If you would like to sell our book and video products to make regular income for your social media posts or website, then you need to check out our affiliate program. We cover very easy options which require no sign ups or affiliate programs with Amazon and Clickbank. Click Here for more information.