Built on Passion and Ingenuity
Founded by Glenn Kvassay, a passionate Biologist who has over 14 years experience training, breeding and researching insects production systems for both the hobbyist and commercially. Glenn started breeding insects for the pet trade but now also breeds insects for indirect human consumption (feed to fish and chickens) and is working with partners to breed insects for human consumption (direct or indirect). Glenn has a strong focus of improving the efficiency of the insect breeding industry through research, education, Innovation and Partnerships.
Our training and consultancy resources are used by some of the largest and smallest insect breeders (for edible insects and pet trade) around the world to improve the efficiency of their operations or to start new businesses. Working with hundreds of insect breeders around the world, has given us a unique understanding of the issues breeders face, and we are happy to share our information.
What Drives Us
We aim to provide an information sharing platform for the edible insect industry through:
- Comprehensive training resources to breed insects (books, videos, consultation).
- Directory site to connect clients, breeders, wholesalers and retailers
- Resources to help people people find information about edible insects
- Developing Insect breeding products
- Working in partnership with other breeders and innovators.
- Selling insects in Australia
Meet the Team
We work Collaboratively with people who believe in Sustainability and the Insect Breeding Industry.
Our Background
We started breeding insects to reduce our costs for wildlife rescue. This led us to eventually breed insects to Zoos, Wildlife Parks, Reptile and Wildlife Rescue Carers, Pet Stores and the General Public, some 14 years ago. People not only wanted insects from us, they wanted to know how we were breeding them. As a environmentalist and wildlife carer I was more than happy to show others how to save money to help them out. So we developed our books, videos and training courses.
When we started there was very little information available on how to breed insects and it took years to learn the ropes… and we made every mistake. What we learnt quickly was that conventional insect breeding methods were high maintenance and time consuming. Over the years we refined things and then developed our own proprietary systems. These systems work so well, we plan to convert them to flat pack insect kits so that the every day person can breed even hard species like crickets with little effort.
This led us to develop our first two websites zegaenterprises.com.au and WildlifeHub.com which was subsequently replaced with BreedingInsects.com to train people how to breed insects.
As time went on, inquiries into insects for human consumption grew and we started to breed insects to feed fish in our aquaponic systems and businesses. We plant to develop a edible insect website soon.