The Worlds Most Comprehensive Cricket Breeding Book and Videos



Tried and Tested New Low Maintenance Methods that have Worked Successfully for over 14 years…

Don’t become the 98% of People Who Fail to Breed Crickets!! 

Why is it that 98% of people give up breeding crickets after a few months using conventional methods.?

The reason for this is very simple….breeding crickets is easy, the hard bit is continuing with a laborious maintenance schedule.

Who has the time for conventional methods which require constant spraying, feeding, watering, moving crickets to 7 different containers and cleaning. To make things worse, pests take over due to lack of maintenance and the whole system crashes. And so many people struggle to maintain the ideal temperatures and humidity that is essential for egg development.

It’s easy to see why the vast majority of people give up. ? Conventional methods work well for commercial applications but result in frustration and failure for the  hobbyist. There is a much better way!!

Now There is a True Alternative that Makes Cricket Breeding Achievable for Everyone

house-cricket-acheta-domestica-angled-EditThere are now much better options…Don’t stick with methods which result in failure. With over 14 years experience breeding insects for private use and commercially, we have tried every method available and found them very frustrating… so we developed our own systems which overcome the disadvantages of conventional cricket breeding. Below we explain how its four distinct zones have improved hygiene, breeding consistency,  production and importantly maintenance:

We have pioneered revolutionary new techniques that have slashed maintenance, eliminated offensive odor and doubled production compared to conventional methods.

How these 4 Separate Zones Will Get you Better Results

  • Automated food and water dispensers feed your animals even when you go on holidays.
  • Our unique feeding tray houses dry food, wet food and water in a single unit which saves space and prevents spills. It also saves time cleaning as all 3 components come out together.
  • Our external feeding port allows you to drop in wet foods without even opening the lid. This feature allows you to compactly store multiple containers in a shelf saving space and increasing the number of containers you can store in a given area.
  • The feeding port and automated food stations means there is no need to open the container lid until maintenance time (every 7-14 days).
  • This zone collects all the waste the crickets produce and allows you to easily remove it.
  • One of the main reasons for low productivity in traditional methods is fungus and bacterial infections of the eggs caused by contaminated substrate.  So the detritus collection area not only saves you time, it eliminates odors and disease; increases egg viability; and increases cricket production.
  • This dedicated zone is designed to maintain constant humidity and high temperatures which are ideal for egg production and rearing.
  • We have structures that prevents pinheads from being eaten and allows them to safely move to the housing zone.
  • With traditional substrate techniques, detritus makes contact with the substrate and forms a hardened capping on the surface. This reduces the ability of the female crickets to lay in the substrate, and baby pinheads from hatching and leaving the substrate. The detritus collection system removes these impediments.
  • Cannibalism is a significant problem when crickets are placed in high densities. We have minimized cannibalism in the housing zone by:

1) The compact design of the above zones;

2) the high surface area of the housing area;

3) and automated food and water dispensers

  • In a conventional breeding system the high humidity means you need to replace the cartons regularly. We have a controlled release of humidity to the housing areas which means you only need to replace them every 9 months (normally you would need to replace them every 7-14 days).

Online E-book (Instant Access)

This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.

Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.

Free Videos

Book includes free videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.


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  • Needs no active management (No spraying, no rotating crickets etc);
  • Collects waste for you;
  • Only requires one container  (not 7 like conventional methods);
  • Food/ water dispensers  which attends to your insects for 7-14 days or more;
  • Requires only 3 minutes maintenance every 7-14 days (less time than standing in line at the pet store)
  • Each 20 Gallon (70 L) breeding container can produce one container of adult crickets from a pet store each week.
  • The average 2 child family can produce enough scrap vegies to feed 4 breeding containers, which is enough crickets to feed 4-12 bearded dragons (depending of feeding rate). That’s around $1400/year (Au) you are currently throwing away!!.

Additional Benefits to You

Each of the 4 zones works together and provides the following benefits to you:

  • As large crickets are removed they are quickly replaced with a plentiful supply of pinheads generated from the large surface area of the substrate.
  • As there is less maintenance and hassle, your consistency increases which increases productivity and success over the long term (I have been doing this system for 14 years now with minimal effort).
  • Eliminates odors as their detritus does not mix with wet substrate (i.e. no fermentation).
  • As the substrate has high humidity all the time, you only need to wet the substrate once every week or two. This enable you to go on one/two week holidays without the system crashing.
  • This system is perfect for kids to earn extra pocket money or to learn how to start a small business for themselves.

Overall this Low Maintenance Cricket Breeding Method Significantly Increases Cricket Production and Less Cleaning, Maintenance and Smells.You really can produce more insects with much less effort. Its time to work smarter, not harder! You can see why we are pretty proud of what we have achieved.

Easily The Most Comprehensive Cricket Breeding Guide on the Market

This cricket breeding manual is the most comprehensive available with 165 pages and more than 240 color photos, diagrams and tables. It shows you how to build all components with “Step by Step” instructions.

“But don’t Take my word for it….have a look for yourself. The video above steps you through the manual and you get a first hand look at its content”.

 Why  do They Require So Little Maintenance?


Our automated low maintenance systems are tried and tested for over a decade. The result is smarter low maintenance, consistent and productive breeding methods for both private and commercial applications. In summary our low maintenance methods are achieved with:

tick5 Reliable and robust food and water dispensers which attends to your insects for 14 days or more;

tick5 Unique container design which: increases air flow; removes toxic odors; maximizes heat retention and prevents pests from entering.

tick5 Heat Systems that supercharge cockroach production…and it’s not incandescent bulbs.

tick5 Streamlined cleaning and maintenance methods that easily separates detritus and cockroaches with no escapees.

tick5 Unique container configuration which prevent cartons from spoiling, reducing the need to change them weekly to once every 9 months.

tick5Only one breeding container to manage. Using conventional method you need to manage up to 7 different containers.

“Breeding Crickets with messy and time consuming methods are now a thing of the past”. 

Online E-book (Instant Access)

This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.

Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.

Free Videos

Book includes free videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.


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How Much Time and Money will I Save??

Cricket breeding manualThe above innovations mean crickets can now be bred:


Requires no active management….no daily spraying or moving crickets around

tick5With only 5 minutes maintenance/container every 10-14 days (less time than standing in line at the pet store)

tick5Systems so productive that the average family will be able to feed 4-12 bearded dragons (depending of feeding rate) just from their scrap vegetables;

tick5That’s over $1400/year cash you are currently throwing away! You can make much more if you make additional containers.

tick5Best of all they are easy to build, and most materials are made from recycled materials or from your hardware store.

Our methods have a proven track record and produce large numbers of cockroach’s week in…week out.  For a small one off investment (probably a week or two supply of live food costs) you will be armed with numerous techniques that will fast track successful cockroach breeding.

“This will save you thousands of dollars and hours in wasteful and painful experimentation”.

How this Guide sets a New Benchmark in Cricket Breeding!!


This definitive guide is not a literature review of internet blogs…it pioneers new and innovative techniques found nowhere else”. “It is easily the most comprehensive guide on the market with over 164 pages and includes hundreds of color photos and diagrams”. 

All the “how to build” instructions are explained in easy to understand text…and with numerous color photos. And best of all, nearly all the materials are easily obtained from you hardware store or using recycled materials at home.

We have completely overhauled every aspect of cockroach production including:

  • container design
  • private and commercial breeding
  • food and water requirements
  • making food and water dispensers
  • heating/storage
  • maintenance/pest management, cleaning
  • grading/selling
  • Lots and Lots More

“There are literally hundreds of techniques and tips to help you make life easier…see full details at end.” 

See What Our Customers Say!!

I was very glad to say good bye to the old methods which you have to continually spray every day. These new methods really make cricket breeding so much easier.The books 9 chapters cover every aspect of cricket breedingyou can think about, and thehundreds ofphotos really make the process really easy to understandand build.I have since added additional containers which hasreally cut down the amount of feed I buy for my 100 geckoes, monitors and dragons.This book is not a literature review of existing methods, it really is a complete overhaul.The author is really approachable,andIhave no problems contacting him when I have a question.If you want to save money, this book is a must for every reptile owner.

Justin Hodges

Founder of the Herphouse Facebook Page

Why Not Turn an Expense Into Income….with our 14 Years Commercial Experience!!

We have has been producing crickets, mealworms and cockroaches commercially for 14 years to wildlife parks, zoos, pet stores, wildlife rescue clubs, large scale reptile keepers and the general public…. “We are More than happy to pass on our commercial tips to you”.

 Many wildlife and reptile enthusiasts are always looking for a cheap and fresh supply of food for their animals. This is a great way to turn an expense into an income. We cover important topics such as; pest management, how to grade crickets to various sizes, dispatching, transport and marketing tips and advice.

This is the only guide that has sufficient detail and experience to be used for private and commercial production. With our streamlined processes, commercial production is now available to everyone…not just the big boys”.

Online E-book (Instant Access)

This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.

Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.

Free Videos

Book includes free videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.


Money back Guarantee



Failure is not an Option with the Best Methods and Support…

Our cricket manuals cover both basic and advanced techniques suitable for both private and commercial production. No matter your experience level, we have it covered.

We have dedicated over a decade not just breeding feeder insects…but also writing the most comprehensive books and developing videos. We really want you to succeed, and our training and support is next to none. Below is a summary of our commitment to your success when you purchase our books:

tick5Free Skype training as required. As we have converted our techniques to video, I can show you our methods directly in a Skype video session. It’s really easy!!

tick5Free email support

tick5The World’s most Comprehensive and innovative feeder insect guides (with hundreds of photos)

“Videos of our Methods are Available at a click of a button”.

See the Hundreds of Techniques on Offer (Book Contents)

Have a Guided tour of our Online Books with this Video. Look before you Buy!!

Below is a summary of the ways you will be able to save time and effort breeding crickets with our comprehensive guide.

Food and Water Requirements 

 tick54 different food/water dispensers to choose from which covers small and large scale production.
tick518 pages detailing how to build a food try with removes all wet/dry food and water together for quick and easy maintenance.
tick5Our automated feeding/watering dispensers, allows you to feed crickets for over 2 weeks unattended if necessary (i.e. good for going away on holidays). They are inexpensive to build, durable and designed not to spill. They dispense food at a controlled rate which saves money, reduces the frequency for refilling and improves hygiene.
tick57 different methods/tools to feed crickets to your animals quickly and easily (and filter them to the right size).
tick5Learn essential nutrients for cricket development, how to purchase food in bulk and store/process them properly to save wastage and money.  Food recipes for standard and fast growth, gut loading and dusting.
tick5Tables outlining the nutritional content of key food groups such as dog, cat and chicken layer dry foods.
tick5Detailed instructions and photos how to build containers.
tick5Chapter Contents, see below:
 4.1       Food and Water Components…………………………………………….. 40
4.2       Dry Food- Nutrition and Processing…………………………………… 41
4.3       Wet Food- Nutrition and Processing………………………………….. 45
4.4       Dusting and Gut Loading………………………………………………… 47
4.5       Feeding Crickets to Animals…………………………………………….. 48

tick52 breeding systems to choose from to ensure the best method for all types of breeding. (i.e. small, medium and large scale/commercial production).

tick526 pages detailing advantages/disadvantages for different systems, building material, and step by step instructions how to construct  breeding systems.

tick5See above sections (Why our systems work so well) for details how our breeding systems produce twice the crickets with half the effort.

tick5Learn the essential management secrets which ensures productive and consistent breeding. 

Private and Small Scale Commercial breeding

9.0       Zega Substrate Breeding System (Small Scale Production)

9.1       Summary of Breeding Method………………………………………….. 118

9.2       How to Make a Zega Substrate Breeding System………………….. 120

9.3       Management of a Substrate System…………………………………… 128

9.4       Cleaning a Substrate System……………………………………………. 129

9.5       Maintenance of a Substrate System…………………………………… 131

 Batch Breeding System (Large Scale Production)

10.1     Summary of Breeding Method………………………………………….. 135

10.2     How to Make a Batch System…………………………………………… 137

10.3     Food and Water Dispenser for a Pinhead Grow Out Container……. 147

10.4     Management of a Batch System……………………………………….. 151

10.5     Pests for a Batch System…………………………………………………. 152

10.6     Cleaning a Batch System………………………………………………… 156

10.7     Maintenance of a Batch System……………………………………….. 158

Container Design and Construction

tick5Learn the 5 essential design considerations for an efficient container which is durable, maximizes growth rates, and saves time in maintenance and feeding activities.

tick5Some of the items covered includes how to maximize ventilation and air flow, easy access ports for feeding and removing crickets, removable screens for increased ventilation/heat   management, keeping pinheads in and pest out.

tick5Detailed instructions and photos showing how to build step by step.

3.1       Choosing a Container……………………………………………………………. 23

3.2      Lids…………………………………………………………………………………24

3.3       Ventilation…………………………………………………………………….. 25

3.4       Feeding Port………………………………………………………………….. 26

3.5       Screening………………………………………………………………………. 26

3.6       Barrier Cream……………………………………………………………….. 27

3.7       Component Set-up……………………………………………………………28

3.8       How to Make a Cricket Container…………………………………………… 29

Heating and Storage


tick5Tables which provide the various temperature thresholds to manage a cricket colony
tick5Advantages/disadvantages for 4 different heating systems including free solar options. Find out the best method for productive cricket production.

tick5Learn the thermodynamic principles for efficient heat conservation.
tick520 methods to reduce your heating costs.
tick5How to estimate your heating costs and manage excessive heat.
tick5How to store breeding containers so they are easy to access and feeding can be done without opening the lid. This will allow numerous containers can be stored into a tight configuration, to save space or to increase the number of containers.

6.1       Heating…………………………………………………………………………. 75

6.2       Humidity……………………………………………………………………… 76

6.3       Heating Systems……………………………………………………………. 77

6.4       Reducing Heating Costs…………………………………………………. 80

6.5       Estimating Heating Costs………………………………………………. 82

6.6       Managing Excessive Heat……………………………………………….83

6.7       Storage of Colony………………………………………………………….. 83



tick5Our innovative breeding systems prevent detritus from coming into contact with wet substrate, preventing fouling (eliminates smells) and cutting maintenance frequency by half.

tick53 different cleaning systems reduces maintenance to only a few minutes for each breeding container.

tick5Food and water dispensers can provide food for up to 2 weeks, reducing the need for food/water changes.
tick5Feeding methods allows 10 containers of crickets are able to be fed wet food in just 90 seconds.
tick5Systems to remove all cartons together for quick and easy maintenance.
tick5Devices to separate pinheads and larger crickets from detritus and food during maintenance. This allows more animals to be returned back to the colony.
tick5Systems to streamline cleaning for both small and commercial scale.
7.1       Cleaning………………………………………………………………………. 85

7.2       Pests……………………………………………………………………………. 91

7.3       Genetics………………………………………………………………………. 95

7.4       Safety………………………………………………………………………….. 96

Pest Management

tick5Detailed information on how to manage all major pests, which often result in the failure of consistent cricket breeding.

tick5 Our clever container design prevents pests from entering, including a special double screen system to keep out micro flies, a major pest species.

tick5Details how to build ant exclusion devices and micro-fly traps to prevent infestations.
tick5How to maintain genetics and maintain productivity

 Grading and Selling


tick5Learn how to quickly separate crickets from their cartons without  escapees and with minimal effort.

tick5How to make 3 different types of filtering devices to sort crickets on a commercial scale or smaller quantities to feed your animals.

tick5Make a cricket counting device which makes estimating cricket numbers easy and hassle free.
tick5Two systems to calculate cricket numbers (for small scale and large scale production).
tick53 different packaging and storage methods for dispatch to clients.
tick5Full details how to manage a commercial colony from breeding, maintenance, grading, dispatch, transport and marketing.
tick53 different breeding systems which can be used for large scale private production or commercial production.
tick5Details on how many crickets you can expect to produce with the different breeding systems and economic benefits.
tick5Outlines what you need to consider for commercial production and the expected expenses and potential income.
tick5Over 14 tips how to market crickets and find clients.
tick5How to keep detailed records and efficiencies to maximize profits.
tick5Example promotional material to help market your crickets

8.1       Grading by Size…………………………………………………………….. 98

8.2       Estimating Cricket numbers…………………………………………….. 102

8.3       Packaging and Transport…………………………………………………. 106

8.4       Economics……………………………………………………………………. 110

8.5       Marketing…………………………………………………………………….. 113

8.6       Record Keeping…………………………………………………………….. 115



tick5How to choose the best species to for cricket breeding. Advantages and disadvantages between different species.
tick5Diagrams and photos of the anatomy of a cricket and how to distinguish between female/male, adult and medium crickets.
tick5Understand the lifecycle, breeding and behaviour characteristics of crickets to reduce cannibalism and increase breeding success.
tick5Find out the best temperatures to maximise egg viability and cricket growth. The best heating methods to increase productivity.
tick5The main nutrient and environmental conditions for productive cricket breeding.

 List of Tables

Part 1- Choosing a Breeding Method and Introduction

Table 1-             Advantages and Disadvantages between Breeding Crickets and Cockroaches………………………………….. 13

Table 2-            Conversion between Imperial and Metric Units…………………. 15

Diagram 2.3-     Anatomy of a Cricket…………………………………………………… 18

Part 2- General Techniques- For Both Breeding Methods

Table 3-             Growth Rates………………………………………………………………… 21

Figure 3.3-        Air Flow through a Container………………………………………. 25

Table 4-            Design Summary for Constructing a Container

                            – Efficient Method…………………………………………………………… 30

Table 5-            Detailed Instructions Constructing a Container-

                             Efficient   Method………………………………………………………….. 33

Table 6-            Nutritional Comparison between Different Dry Food Types……………………………………………………………. 42

Table 7-            Making a Food Tray………………………………………………………55

Table 8              How to Make a Small Scale Food Dispenser………………….. 56

Table 9-            Making a Large Scale Food Dispenser…………………………… 60

Table 10-          Making a Large Scale Water Dispenser…………………………. 65

Table 11-           Making a Large Scale Water Dispenser with Pebbles……… 72

Table 12-          Temperature Ranges for Crickets……………………………………75

Table 13-          Cleaning Food and Water Dispensers…………………………… 85

Table 14-          Making an Ant Guard for Power Cords………………………….94

Table 15-          Grading Crickets………………………………………………………… 98

Table 16-          Counting Crickets- Large Scale …………………………………… 103

Table 17-         Transport Methods……………………………………………….. 107

Part 3- Small Scale Cricket Breeding

Figure 9.1-       Diagrammatic Representation of a Substrate Breeding System……………………………………. 118

Table 18-         How to Make a Substrate System……………………………. 122

Table 19-        Removal of Detritus from a Substrate System………………. 129

Table 20-          Maintenance Schedule for a Substrate System……………. 132

Part 4- Large Scale Cricket Breeding

Figure 10.1-     Diagram of a Batch Breeding System………………………. 136

Table 21-         Summary of a Batch Breeding System……………………… 138

Table 22-          Detailed Instructions to Make a Batch System………….. 141

Table 23-        How to Make Food and Water Dispenser for a Pinhead Grow out  Container…………………………………. 147

Table 24-         Cleaning a Batch System (No Substrate) …………………. 156

Table 25-          Maintenance Schedule for a Batch System………………. 158


Appendix 1         Example Marketing Brochure……………………………. 163

Online E-book (Instant Access)

This Manual is far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes, text, photos, videos, online support and partnership opportunities.

Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF version is not available.

Free Videos

Book includes free videos on how to build our Zega Substrate System (hobbyist or small scale commercial) and some general methods (a total of 8 videos). No Videos are currently available for the Batch System (large scale commercial) however the book covers this in detail and may be added over time.


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