close up of a group of mealworms on a white background
The Worlds Most Comprehensive Mealworm Breeding Book

Training, Research, Innovation and Partnerships!!

14 Years Commercial Experience can Save you Years of Sweat, Blood and Tears!

The “Complete Mealworm Manual” has just been released. With 20 chapters, 100 sections and hundreds of photos and diagrams, it is by far the most comprehensive book on the market.

The book covers all aspects of mealworm production including; hobbyist and commercial methods (separate versions); the common yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and the tropical super or giant mealworm (Zophobas morio). 

The Mealworm Manual Project

We get enquiries on a daily basis from people wanting to set up a insect business. Our goal was to benchmark production so that people who want to produce for profit would have the right information in terms of setup and running costs to have the confidence to more forward. To our knowledge no one had done this for a commercial operations. The Mealworm Manual Project was 18 Months in the making (For more info See below)

The Complete Mealworm Breeding Manual, Just Released!

A hand full of giant and yellow mealworms over two blue mealworm trays

Book Contents

(See Below Section)

How The Mealworm Book Project Came to Be!  

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When we started the project, to our knowledge no one had produced a comprehensive guide on producing mealworms for both hobbyist and commercially. If the insect breeding industry is to move forward quickly (and it will to keep up with global food demand) we decided to do a comprehensive guide to meet this need.

This project was big….with thousands of photos and hundreds of videos taken over a 18 month period. First we demolished and renovated a 6m (20 foot) caravan and converted it into an insect business. We then Benchmarked the production and costs of producing of yellow/giant mealworms and crickets.  We then took thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of how we operate the farm. Doing this took time, and we estimate we spent as much time obtaining content for this book as we did running the insect farm. Once we got the content it then took months to edit and upload to a online format. We had additional challenges such as running our business in the middle of natural disasters (fires, floods), covid and then some pests infestations for good measure…but we got there in the end.

We are pleased that our hard work has paid off, with many people commenting how this book has helped them fast track their business. Best of all, the photos we have included are just the tip of the ice berg and we will be adding lots more photos and videos as time goes on. Add to this a big line up of partnerships in the wing, we will have lots more to share.  Best of all with an online format, you will always have the latest version and content.

If you want a real world “how to” guide on mealworm breeding then this is the book for you. Insect breeding is a “School of Hard Knocks” business. Get it right information up front, and you will save yourself years of sweat, blood and tears.

About Us

(In Farming, Experience Matters)

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We Started Breeding Insects for an endangered mammal to feed them. 14 Years later we have the worms most comprehensive learning center, consultancy and train people right around the world using our unique Free Zoom Trainings Sessions (to Groups and Organisations).

Click Here to learn more.

Free access to Book Index

(See why its the most Comprehensive)

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So you can see how comprehensive our books are, why not have a look!

One Book Two Version

The Book covers both yellow and Giant/Super mealworm, for both Small Scale and Commercial.

Links that are green and say (commercial) in brackets are available to the commercial book only. All other links are available to small-scale and Commercial version.

Click Here for Free Access to the Books Index 

Online Format- More than just a Book

(Instant Access)

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Our manuals are far more than just a book…its a online learning center which includes text, photos, online support and partnership opportunities. Once we finish doing a revision on our cricket and cockroach books, we have hundreds of mealworm videos to edit and upload.

Click here to have a look at the Index Page (Some links available to all)

Everything you need is at a single click, which is continually evolving and updated with new content. To deliver the latest and most up to date content, the book is not a PDF document and is instead web based requiring a login which you receive on purchase (never expires). Please note a PDF and paperback versions are not available.

Commercial Version- Online (Instant Access)

Was $75… Now $59.99 (US)- 20% Off

photo of a commercial mealworm farm with multiple racks of blue mealworm trays. Mealworm farm is climatically controlled with an air conditioner, humudifier, ventilation fans and aluminium reflective insulation.

Book Contents

The book covers all major areas of breeding  for small scale and commercial production. Below is a summary of Book Chapters. There are around 100 sections, which you view directly by clicking the book index.

1.0 Introduction

Part 2- Breeding and Biology

Strategy and Overview (Essential Reading)

2.0 Design and Farm Overview (Both Species)

Breeding Yellow Mealworms

3.0 Biology

4.0 Managing Pupae

5.0 Managing Beetles

6.0 Screen Method (Small Scale)

7.0 Filtering Method (Commercial/Hybrid)

Breeding Giant Mealworms 

8.0 Biology

9.0 Screen Method (Hobbyist)

10.0 Managing Beetles

11.0 Filtering Method (Commercial/Hybrid)

Part 3- Husbandry Requirements (Both Species)

12.0 Housing (Trays, Shelving)

13.0 Food and Water

14.0 Climate (Temperature, Humidity etc)

15.0 Maintenance

16.0 Pests and Disease

Part 4- Commercial Production (Both Species)

20.0 Marketing

21.0 Partnership Resources (For Approved Partners)

Part 5- General

22.0 Reptile Husbandry

23.0 Other Insect Breeding Resources

24.0 Glossary

photo of moths trapped on sticky insect traps. Trap is held up by a hand, with a mealworm farm in the background.
Photo of 4 20kg bags of wheat bran, two large blue storage drums and a white chest freezer. Bran is used for a commercial mealworm farm and stored in the drums. Bags of bran are placed in the freezer to kill pests.
photo of the partial build of a a mealworm shelving rack system. The shelving has a metal frame with wood vertical breams to support metal rails. Mealworm rack is located within a commercial mealworm farm with aluminium insulation on walls.
photo of mealworm pupa on six raised platforms. Hundreds of pupa will emerge as beetles and fall off the platforms into the meal below
Photo of filtering of mealworm frass. Four separate fractions are shown A) mealworms and frass from blue tray B) frass in white bucket C) substrate after filtering in white bucket D) filtered worms in blue tray, no substrate

Commercial Insect Breeding. Turn a Garage or Shed into Income!!

Comprehensive Books and Videos

Free Partnerships and Consultancy

World Wide Projects, Research and Innovation

photo of a commercial mealworm farm with hundreds of blue trays in shelving. The front rows are pulled out so you can see the mealworms.

Additional Services and Products

We Provide a Training and Information Sharing Platform for the Insect Breeding Insect Industry through:

Comprehensive Books and Videos

Our books and complementary videos set the benchmark for insect breeders around the world.

Consultancy and Partnerships

Our books and complementary videos set the benchmark for insect breeders around the world.

Photo of a grey shipping container of an insect farm. Insect farm is operated by Crickets and Co in partnership with

Free Training Courses

Get our 9 lesson training courses to start you becoming self sufficient insect breeder.

Free Training Services (To Groups)

Free Insect Breeding Training Zoom Sessions to wildlife carer or reptile groups.

Our Other Websites!

Insects as Food

Soon we will be opening our Insects as Food website. Products, Services, Directory site for all Edible Insect Needs.

Insect Breeding Shop

Get your insect breeding, supplies, materials and equipment.

Keeping Reptiles

Information how to Feed and keep your reptile healthy.

Follow Us on Facebook (@breedinginsects)

See how we Converted a Caravan into a Insect Business and More.